Hi, we are the Avis family, also known as The Lucky Few and we would love to work with you, your brand or your company.

We know growing a brand through unique storytelling is what gets real people having real conversations which is key to successful influencer marketing.

Here at The Lucky Few we are a family of five brought together through adoption and composed of different ethnicities and abilities. Diversity and inclusion are our thing! The unique make-up of our family and our outlook on life allows for us to tell heartfelt, beautiful and real stories, connecting our follower to our family and ultimately to the brands we represent.


Clients & Media Appearances


With over 118k followers worldwide The Lucky Few has created a movement with their instagram account @theluckyfewofficial, which is enjoyed by thousands and inspires people from all walks of life and from every corner of the world through stories, videos and photos of daily life.

Social Stats

  • 121k followers (IG)

    (@heatheravis IG)

  • 5k followers (@theluckyfewofficial IG)

  • 8K followers (@theluckyfewpod IG)

  • 10k followers (FB)

  • 1.2k subscribers (YouTube)

For more in depth stats: weekly reach, impressions and up to date insights. Please contact us here.


  • Female 93%
    Male 6%

  • Audience Age
    13-24 20%
    25-34 45%
    35-44 23%
    45-65+ 12%

  • Top Locations
    New York
    Los Angeles

Viral Highlights


Client Case Studies

We are ready to embark on our next adventure with your brand. We create simple one-time post collaboration to full custom campaign for network television. We know that this is a one of a kind unique opportunity to share with our audience and yours, documenting the power of human connection.

We would love to partner with you, your brand or your company.