
Hopes and

Half sheet

Hopes and Expectations Letter: This simple half sheet is used to clearly communicate your expectations and hopes for your child (which are, not surprisingly, the same hopes and goals all parents have for all kids) with any adults who are working with your child. We suggest you add a photo of your spectacular kiddo and pass one of these out to every adult who will be interacting with your child during the school year.

Letter to


Letter to Classmates: This is meant to introduce the students in your child’s class to your child. It should create connections and give room and permission to have and ask questions. You may want to tweak this depending on the age of your child. If you have an older child who has been with their classmates for more than one year you may not need this letter at all. Make sure you talk to the teacher about passing it out. And note, you may need permission from the principal to send a letter like this home. 

IEP Goals
at a glance

IEP Goals at a glance: We have found that it is super helpful to have a brief description of our kid’s IEP goals easily accessible. After some trial and error we have landed on putting each goal on an index card held together in the corner with a ring. We have also found it is important to remember that it is not only our kids with IEPs who should have goals, but all of us should be working on making progress as humans. So you will find at the top of each of the goal cards a goal for the adults to work on as well. We suggest you create a set of these goals for any of the teachers who are working on goals with your child, as well as a set for any one to one aid and one to keep at home.

Letter to school

And for those of you who do not have a child with an IEP but see the value of inclusion for our neurotypical kids we are setting you up to be the fierce advocate you already are by including a letter you can personalize and send off to the powers that be in your schools and districts.

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