Welcome friends, you belong here. My name is Heather Avis,

I am the founder of The Lucky Few, a New York Times best-selling author, podcaster and a Down syndrome advocate, working to create a more inclusive world where everyone belongs. For more than a decade, I have led this effort by shouting worth, shifting narratives and reimagining what it looks like when we embrace our differences.

The Lucky Few is an invitation to build a kinder, more inclusive world. We accomplish this through a combination of advocacy and activism, narrative-shifting and storytelling. The Lucky Few believes in inspiring and challenging our audiences, calling them to listen, read, share, contribute and support as we work to create a world where differences are embraced and everyone belongs.


After 3 seasons, Heather Avis, Micha Boyett, and Mercedes Lara have become even closer friends than ever before. Together, they take on conversations in the Down Syndrome Community that we not only want to hear, but need to hear (and share) as we shout the worth of our loved ones with Down Syndrome. Listen to 150+ episodes here.


The Lucky Few Foundation is a global storytelling movement, shifting narratives to create a more inclusive world where everyone belongs.

We invite you to join our efforts and financially partner with The Lucky Few Foundation. As an official 501(c)3, all donations are tax deductible. We cherish your generosity and are thrilled to shift narratives together.